The benefits of CBD
Posted by      09/09/2022 11:09:23     Better understand CBD    Comments 0
The benefits of CBD

In recent years, CBD has become an essential food supplement in many countries. We know that it does good, that it has many virtues and benefits. But what exactly are they? L’ABC du CBD answer you.


CBD against anxiety

Anxiety is the most common psychological problem. In France, 22.4 per cent of people reported at least an anxiety disorder in their lives. Once installed, anxiety becomes a disability on a daily basis and it is often complicated to get rid of it. This is where the CBD enters into play: among those suffering from anxiety, the use of cannabidiol regularly returns, due to the relaxing and anxiolytic effects of this substance.


Before studying the effects of CBD on anxiety, we must understand what we are talking about. Anxiety, like stress, are natural reactions and, to some extent, desirable. These events are the response of the body to an emotionally strong situation or to a threat. In this sense, anxiety and stress are healthy reactions. The problem is when anxiety is no longer controlled and is permanently settled, or it manifests itself without any particular reason or link to a real threat. We then talk about anxiety disorders and these can have an important impact on everyday life.

In this case, when the simple organic reaction turns into a disability, it is necessary to act. A solution is to use CBD against anxiety.


To understand the links between CBD and anxiety, we must look closely at serotonin. This "happiness hormone" has a direct influence on our morale and well-being, but also on our appetite, the quality of our sleep, or our libido. In an anxiety situation, the level of serotonin in the body tends to decrease.


CBD also has the ability to activate certain serotonin receptors (5-HT1A), and regulate the level of this hormone to improve well-being.

Of course, this response is only ad hoc – CBD’s effect on anxiety is temporary. But the CBD would have another action, this time on the formation of new neurons within the hippocampus, part of the brain that regulates the mood. So that cannabidiol consumption could promote neurogenesis and reduce the expression of anxiety disorders and long-term depressive behaviour.

CBD would therefore act similarly to anxiolytic drugs.. Without the adverse side effects associated with these, and especially the risk of dependence less!


CBD with chronic and migraine pain

In case of chronic pain or migraine, modern medicine uses medications such as antalgic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory to relieve pain of all kinds. The problem? Some of these drugs develop an addiction as well as side effects, sometimes going to dependence. CBD now appears as an ideal alternative to these medical requirements.


The antalgic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD are surprising. This is reported by many people with chronic pain induced by certain diseases. In the case of cervical, dorsal and lumbar pain, for example, CBD offers a relaxing and soothing effect on the back muscles. Its anti-inflammatory action reduces pain and prevents their arrival.


The same applies to migraines. These violent headaches are located on a part of the skull, which increases the sensitivity to noise, light and can sometimes even cause nausea and/or vomiting. The CBD then appears as a natural solution, with no significant side effects and without annoyance. Even better, CBD increases the rate of serotonin, which is known to be a cause of migraine onset!


CBD against sleep disorders

Sleep issues are among the most cited reasons when CBD users are asked why they use them. Sleep is of crucial importance to the overall physiological balance of an individual, and in case of sleep disorders, it is all that balance that is put to harm. A lack of sleep degrades your ability to think, act or react. However, "to sleep well" or "to sleep deeply" appears to be an increasingly complicated task in our ultra-connected modern societies.

73% of the French (GEO Sciences - 2018) confirmed that they wake up at least once a night, during sleep interruptions, from 10 to more than 30 minutes.

CBD has relaxing and anxiolytic effects. It promotes sleep and helps to fight insomnia, especially when they are caused by anxiety and stress.

A few drops of CBD oil under the language or infusion to CBD before you sleep, and you're sure to find a restorative sleep!

Discover our sublingual oils ABC du CBD



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